Home Of The Aussie Aswang - The Truth Will Out!

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Saturday, May 22, 2010


It has been well over a year, maybe nearly two, since the troubles that plagued my life from the human vermin that resides in Eastlakes., It was certainly a dark time as they spread their web of lies to any ignorant prick who would listen.

With time their attitudes, bullshit and carrying on has become clear to all in the Filipino community and have, in their own way, become somewhat famous, for all the wrong reasons.

As self-righteous as you could imagine, the truth has unvieled itself slowly and to this day hatred and fighting follows their every day life - yes the grapevine is alive and well.

Today our reformed, and much stronger, group of friends sat around and discussed the comedy of errors that is their life, and how our happiness has all grown stronger without their evil polluting our lives.

You look back at those days and collectively wonder WTF was I thinking being involved with such demented pond scum? Why did you waste precious seconds on bowel wastage, seconds you will never get back?
Then you see their continued crap and realise why!!!!!!

Oh shit yeah, laugh I do, whenever you get a further tidbit of their miserable existence - one so miserable they have even offered to pay people to put a curse on our group of friends.
Well it seems that curse has rebounded and bit them on the ARSE!

Life is great - Only Getting Better

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